Setting up an E-mail Account with Microsoft Outlook:
Before starting:
- Make sure your domain name loads.
If it doesn't load your e-mail account will not work.
- Make sure you have setup your e-mail accounts at yourdomain/cpanel
You are now ready to begin setting up your e-mail accounts.
- Open Outlook
- Go to "Tools" and click on "E-mail Accounts"
An "E-mail Accounts" window will pop up.
Click on "Add new e-mail account", then click "Next".
Your server type is POP3.
Select and press Next.
Follow the instructions below.
"Your Name" is the display name that will show in the return area of the receiver's e-mail.
It can be "Marge" or "Marge@Marge's Address", or whatever you want.
DO NOT select "Next" until you have tested your connection.
In the Incoming mail (POP3…) field type mail.yourdomain including the extension (.com; .net; .org; etc.)
In the Outgoing mail (SMTP)… field type mail.yourdomain including the extension
(EG: If your domain name is, then you would enter "").
Now, test your account setting to make sure everything works and you can connect to your server.
- If all is well, click "Next", then Finish